Bookbinders in the Wild: Sensory book

I received a lovely email recently from a participant on my Accordion Spine Memory Book online course, I love hearing what the books you make with me get used for and this was no exception –

‘I just wanted to thank you for your brilliant on-line workshop. My youngest daughter is autistic and is off on year 6 residential next week for the first time. Last weekend we used your fantastic instructions to make a sensory book together for her to flick through if she needs some down time whilst she is away – including little notes and photos.  Thank you so much for super clear, step by step guides and the brilliant inspiration.’

I really love this idea and the fact that this was a creative project that mother and daughter worked on together makes it all the better! This reminds me of a sensory book making workshop I did a number of years ago with Sense Scotland for children and carers – we used different textures and colours to create touchy feely pages. I love the idea of a book being a sensory experience and have long dreamt about incorporating smells and sounds into bookbinding too…watch this space!

>If you fancy making your own sensory book, my Accordion Spine Memory Book is a great book structure for this and can also be a great way to record a trip or event, you can purchase my online tutorial here. There is also the option to select a materials kit that includes all the basic materials and tools to make your book, just add your own papers and sensory bits & bobs.